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There's 2 kinds of people in this world.
People who can properly load a dishwasher, and people who can not.
The same goes for editing.
Ok, bad example.

The point is, in post production you wanna be working with someone who understands the importance of doing things the right way.  Someone who has done it many times, for many people, under many different sets of circumstances.  Someone who knows.
Someone who appreciates your story. Who sweats the details.
Someone who looks for the sweet moments. The fun, the found, the unexpected, and the magical.
And someone who works creatively and collaboratively. 
Vinny is that dishwasher. And editor.                                                                                                                                                  


Here are some of the happy brands who have benefited from Vinny's expertise over the years:
AT&T, MTV, KFC, Dannon, Hershey's, Campbell's Chunky, Jell-O, Colgate, Goldfish, Prego, Kraft,    Jose Cuervo, Met Life, Cell South, Kohl's, Vanguard, Sears, and Wendy's to name just a few.







Contact vinny


cell: 516 557 9663